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I'm Hayley the Principal Ecologist and Director of Samsara Ecology. I have over 17 years of experience as an Environmental Consultant and can't imagine working in any other sector. As an ecologist I get to work outside, searching around for signs of the small creatures that we share our world with. True, this mainly involves identifying where they've been from the little presents they've left behind, but how many jobs are there where you can be standing on a roof looking out across the urban landscape of London in the morning and up to your ankles in a pond in the evening? 

I have all the relevant qualifications which means I'm a Suitably Qualified Ecologist (SQE) such as

  • Full membership of the Chartered Institute of Ecological and Environmental Management (CIEEM),

  • Environmental Sciences BSc (hons) in Environmental Sciences, and

  • Conservation Management MSc (hons)

In addition, I hold a Class 2 (CL18) survey licence for bats and a Class 1 survey licence for great crested newts. Having the right qualifications is vital but I’m driven to do the job because I care about wildlife and the environment.

Samsara Ecology is also a registered practice with the Chartered Institute of Ecological and Environmental Management (CIEEM).

I work with people to help them achieve their planning or conservation management objectives - and I ensure that how I work benefits both my clients and the environment.

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